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The National Academy of Arts Republic of Korea

Members of Music Division GO
회원 유고회원
Lee Kyungsook


Place of birthUlsan

Elected in2009

Education and Career Experience
1967. Graduated from Curtis Institute of Music
1998.~09. Professor at Yonsei University, College of Music
2015.~Now. Endowed-Chair Professor at Seoul Cyber University (Music)
Prizes and Awards
1985,1988. Artist of Year Prize
1987. Nanpa Music Award
1994. Korean Culture & Arts Awards
1995. Okgwan Order of Culture Merit
2000. Korea Music Awards
2007. National Academy of Arts of the Republic of Korea Award
Major works and Art activities
1988. Completed 32 songs of Beethoven Sonata(First in Korea)
1989. Completed 19 songs of Mozart's Piano Sonata(First in Korea)
1991. Completed 9 songs of Prokofiev Piano Sonata(First in Korea)
2006. Full Length Concert for 250th Anniversary of Mozart
2012.~Now. 10 Solo Performances, and 5 Accompanied Performance, etc.
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